Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The disease of addiction and treatment

There are many theories about the nature of addiction and what it is exactly.

Some see it as a sign of failure, and lack of confidence is that the dependent poor "person", any problem believing that a particular drug, beverage, natural or legal person. A person with an addiction problem blocking some behaviors that are similar to the type of property! However, if the disease is considered dependent, this is logical behavior and outcomes.

Drug Recall

Dependenceand drugs are two very. and alcohol addiction and dependence, some are not the only factors involved. The disease is incurable addiction, a progressive and fatal if untreated, but fortunately, was also arrested and remains recovery.

The disease of addiction and treatment

Many addicts are asked "that addiction is a disease, why should I do?" There is no good explanation. Some say the disease is hereditary, some say that external factors occur in childhood.However, both explanations are plausible - there is practically depending identified, not by members of their immediate family of someone who does not suffer from substance abuse trends or show. In addition, drug users to remember a lot of child behavior and experience that was not normal, or some sort of trauma.

Symptoms of addiction
How can you tell if someone is suffering from the disease of addiction? This is a difficult problem to solve, especially since the drugdisease progression, but most appreciate the policy 1 of the 12 steps is a good reference point: "We realized that we were powerless over addiction and our lives become unmanageable." Why not everybody, drugs, gambling, drinking, or a chance encounter with a sex addict, there are other factors to take into account not only the dependence.

Even if someone is obsessive and compulsive behavior is the main symptom of dependence, other factorstaken into account: 1 step on the person's life has become unmanageable? Involved in addiction, although it is a hugely negative consequences of the disease and the lives of other causes? Now, life in a way that the opposition of moral values is important to take the necessary disorder and obsessive-compulsive?

Fight against addictions of various kinds
The disease is addiction a disease that is very much a form of compulsivecompulsive behavior and look to wear for a way out and escape destruction.

Dependence manifests itself in many. The most common alcohol and OCD behaviors surrounding drugs, relationships, sex, gambling, shame and self-cutting, eating disorders (anorexia and bulimia and binge eating) and co-dependency.

And "is quite common for a person employed to provide a kind of dependence to another. Aperson acting drugs also suffer from eating disorders or an underlying problem of self-mutilation. In addition, an interesting event, which if your treatment is done without the underlying problems of addiction - is a function of the arrival of another form of OCD. This is due to drugs, sex, alcohol, gambling, and so is not the main problem isSymptom of the problem. The most important question of the person and the disease.

to stop this reason, an alcoholic beverage, but still miserable and unhappy, a dry drunk. The problem is not the symptom has been treated, alone. Page dependence on drugs, addicts, many of whom are non-physical effect is other evidence that drugs are not the main problem behind the disease of addiction.

The disease of addictionThe problem of the theory of the problem is that many medications for a particular drug, the region where they are, in some types of drinking whiskey, or similar factors.

Because addiction is a disease, these factors are not important: If you drink whiskey instead of vodka, because drinking vodka, and only tilt to a particular problem, they drink to lose control you always drink and do not lose control, no. The main themeDepending on the condition that makes her dependent helplessness. If you have a drink, a line, a prostitute, who have no control over their actions or conduct, and manage the disease.

For help and therapy
There are many different types of drug treatment, and a higher success rate than others.

In some centers, particularly the work of breaking a healthy life and spiritual formation of the cycle of dependency, butThis disease is not treated, but only the symptoms. Other treatments focus on treatment, and it helps to understand the drug users and solve their problems, but does not apply to them, they get a program to restore your sanity.

The most effective method of treatment comprises three types of methods. Drugs in the treatment of problems related to a healthy lifestyle and a recovery program, the Twelve Steps and 12 attendancestep meeting to help you focus on abstinence has shown that the most successful.

A drug addict with an illness. You're not bad people, not indecisive, disease and patients who need treatment and recovery than any other disease.

The disease of addiction and treatment

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